Searching Endermologie Near Me: See Healthkey Medspa Club

Searching endermologie near me: see Healthkey Medspa Club

As we age, our body weight fluctuates. For some of us, all it takes is eating healthy and exercising to keep a toned, tight figure. For a majority however, we find ourselves stuck with stubborn fat, cellulite and body shape that doesn’t change no matter how hard we try. 

Did you know that 90% of women experience cellulite at some point in their lives? Now, dimples on the face are cute, but many do not like having the dimple-like or “orange peel” look of cellulite on their bodies. 

So what do you do about it? You try to solve the problem! Both invasive and non-invasive body contouring treatments can help tone, tighten, and shape to give you the body you can be confident in showing off. 

One of those treatments is Endermologie

If you’re asking, “What is Endermologie, and how can I get Endermologie near me?” We’ve got the answers. 

What Is Endermologie? 

Endermologie, developed in the 1980s by Louis-Paul Guitay, is an FDA-approved massage therapy treatment that uses suction and deep tissue massage to tone, and tighten areas of the body. 

Endermologie is not a weight loss treatment, but is designed to sculpt your body shape, stimulate the lymphatic system, reduce the appearance of cellulite, as well as boost collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid production. 

This is a painless, non-invasive body contouring procedure that leaves clients feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and confident in their looks. 

Who wouldn’t love a combination of massage and body contouring treatment? With Endermologie, you get the best of both worlds. 

And a bonus? The entire treatment only takes about an hour, so you can get treated on your lunch break! 

Endermologie Near Me

Endermologie Treatment at HealthKey MedSpa Club

Here at HealthKey Medspa Club, we take the time to consult, assess and analyze our clients needs before starting their treatment plan. Currently we offer 3 Endermologie treatments for the body and we also provide an Endermologie treatment for the face (Endermologie). 

Each treatment is designed for YOUR specific needs. 

Here is a quick summary of our 3 Endermologie treatment options: 

Fluid Immobilization Treatment — 30 minutes: Mobilizes fluid. Stimulates circulatory exchanges to fight water retention and drains impurities, skin is “reoxygenated”.

Relaxation — 30 minutes: Unwinds areas with muscular tension, eliminates stress, and brings a profound sensation of relaxation. For body-mind balance.

Endermopressure — 50 minutes: An exceptional treatment that simultaneously stimulates adipocytes (slimming cells), fibroblasts (rejuvenating cells), and their environment for maximum effectiveness. Slim your body, and smooth away the appearance of cellulite.

Endermologie Treatment Process

When you arrive for your treatment you will be given a bodysuit so that the Endermologie tool isn’t directly touching the body. This bodysuit also aids in compression so that the massage is even more effective. 

As the treatment begins, the certified Endermologist will guide the small handheld tool along the body in the areas discussed during your consultation. 

You’ll enjoy a relaxing massage that breaks up fat, reduces fluid retention, along with smoothing, firming and tightening the skin (bye, bye cellulite!). 

With this treatment you can see 71% improvement in firmness, 67% of cellulite smoothed, and 5 cm lost on each treated area. 

It’s recommended that you come in for several sessions until your endermologist determines that your plan is completed and only annual maintenance sessions are needed to keep up the results. 

No Need To Search Endermologie Near Me - Visit HealthKey Medspa Club

If you live in New York City or surrounding areas you don’t have to search “Endermologie Near Me,” you can simply schedule a consultation! We enjoy serving Manhattan and Queens area residents as well as those all around NYC with high-end non-invasive body contouring and facial treatments. 

At Healthkey Medspa Club, we not only offer luxury aesthetic and wellness treatments, we provide helpful resources and educational information so that our clients (present and future) can understand and learn about the treatments we have and how it can help them! 

To learn more about us review our website, social media and blogs featuring articles like, 5 Reasons To Try An Acupuncture facial

Book now and get started if you’re ready to experience an Endermologie treatment or any of our other treatments! 

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